A. Create a sustainable collaboration model
- 1. Ongoing and active Collaboration Action Team.
- 2. Creation of a calendar of collaboration activities/events throughout the year.
agencies and people to increase the siae of the Collabortion Action Team.
- 1. Identify specific initiatives that are personally relevant and valuable to the business community.
- 2. Utilize business organizations and associations (chambers, etc.) to facilitate participation of businesses in collaboration activities.
C. Identify the needs of the education system as it concerns career and workforce development.
- 1. Identify who will represent the education community at both the K - 12 and higher education levels.
- 2. Survey education community to assess their career and workforce needs
1. Utilize business associations to survey businesses on their needs.
2. Convene an event designed to bring two parties (education and business communities) together to meet the needs of the other group.
E. Create a true partnership between the education system and the business community
1. From “the event” identified as D-2 comes a partnership agreement with a pre-established set of “deliverables” between the parties.